So, we had a WONDERFUL 20 week appt. The dr. had mentioned it would be a great one to bring GranSam to, so I immediately asked her to join after one of my previous appointments. Among the "I wanna go too" clan, Matt (he is a given), Taryn, and my mom also joined in on the fun! We had a wonderful experience. I went into the room alone, thinking they were going to draw blood and do the regular things they usually do, but then was escorted into the ultrasound room. The lady got the wand ready and I didn't realize she was going to do this without my team who was sitting in the waiting room. I explained my need to have my supporters in there, but she seemed a bit irritated that I was going to have an audience. I persisted and finally the troops came in. I felt so relieved!
So, they all gathered round and watched the wand show them our banana. Baby is already one pound and has muscles like his or her daddy! The ultrasound tech couldn't get over the strength the baby has and how active he/she already is. We saw a nose, arms, legs, feet, hands, eyes, lips and chin. It was an amazing experience and I truly enjoyed each second. Matt got it all on video and I am happy that we are able to go back and see it all over again anytime we want. She printed out pictures, we passed them around, and of course, emailed them to family that was not in attendance.
So, now I think it's a boy and most seem to agree. Taryn, unfortunately, is saddened that she may not be getting the niece that she so badly wants. Maybe next one, T. We of course are only guessing, as we didn't see any "proof" but the suspense is too much fun.
My next appt is in a month, no pictures on this one, but probably just an exam to see my growth and maybe hear a heartbeat. Dad is the next one to go to an ultrasound. He seems excited and I am as well. Should be fun (the next ultrasound is around 34 weeks). Until next time all, thanks for all of your support. This has, thus far, been a very very fun and memorable experience.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
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