Monday, January 18, 2010

2nd Trimester

So, haven't posted in a while. I guess no news is good news. I have been back to the dr. since my last post and it was a good appt. Nothing to report. Doctor took some blood to test for spina bifida and we got great news back! We are in the clear! I always love the calls where we hear baby is healthy.

Matt is off to California this week, so baby and I are alone all week. Hopefully when Matt comes back, baby will be kicking hard enough that he can feel it. I have been feeling these kicks for 2 weeks now, which is a bit on the early side, but that's fine by me. I love the kicks. It seems like baby kicks mostly when I am sitting, which implies that he/she wants me to move. At least, that's the way I like to think about it. We must have an active little kickboxer! I will never forget the first kick. It was a truly amazing experience. Ellen told me to be ready, but I had no idea!

Well, I will update you all on our next appt, which our very exciting 20 week appt. GranSam, Taryn, my mom, & Matt are all going, so it should be a full ultrasound room!

Cheers to you all!